
ASMAR Talcahuano personnel participated in the cleaning day of Isla los Reyes Rocuant Beach, organized by the Sagrados Corazones de Hualpén school in collaboration with the Municipality of Talcahuano, the National Committee for the Defense of Flora and Fauna (CODEFF), the Autopista Interportuaria Concessionaire, the Captaincy of the Port of Talcahuano and other socio-environmental organizations.

The cleaning, which was part of the commemoration of the “Day of Joy”, had the participation of around 30 of our collaborators who, along with 650 students from the educational institution, managed to collect two tons of waste that was in the shoreline.

The Administrator of ASMAR Talcahuano, CN Juan Cristóbal Méndez, positively valued this instance that promoted reflection on the environment and care for the environment. Along these lines, he commented: “From ASMAR we want to be a contribution to our community in environmental care and we are sure that with the collaboration between the various institutions and groups of our city, we can make changes with a high positive impact. We are very happy to be part of and cooperate with these types of activities.”