
Our collaborators are committed to the actions and operations of our neighbors that contribute to improving their surroundings and the protection of the environment.

ASMAR (T) stood out in the cleaning day of Playa Isla los Reyes Rocuant

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    Energy efficiency

    The operation of our Shipyards aims at the correct use and optimization of resources to generate energy, heating and the reduction of our carbon footprint..

    Magallanes Shipyard develops a co-generation project together with an energy company

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      “Comuna Energética” program projects biodigester in Magallanes Shipyard casino

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        Waste reuse

        Our processes are marked by minimizing the amount of waste from our operation and reusing it to add value with practices tending to the circular economy.Waste reuse

        Circular economy company will recycle large bags of shot for new products

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          Collaboration with Universidad de Magallanes allows reuse of shot from the Shipyard

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