We are strategic partners of the Chilean Navy

Since 1895, ASMAR has carried out the maintenance, repair, refit, upgrading and conversion of the units of the Chilean Navy, developing important structural projects and in the weapons, navigation and propulsion systems of frigates, landing ships, oil tankers, missile boats, patrol boats, tugboats, and submarines.

Maintenance at all levels

The trust placed by the Chilean Navy in ASMAR is based on the experience and technical quality of its engineers, technicians and workers, who provide efficient and quality solutions. The capacities of our three Shipyards allow us to deliver a comprehensive service in the areas of Weapons Systems, Propulsion Systems and Electricity and Auxiliary Systems.

High complexity repair and refit projects

The high technology of defense ships imposes on ASMAR the challenge of keeping its capabilities updated to successfully develop repair and refit projects for Chilean Navy Units, of such different complexities as frigates, submarines, oil tankers, missile boats, landing ships and auxiliary ships in general.

Other Chilean Navy projects


Among the most relevant projects carried out for the Chilean Navy, the following stand out:

  • Refit of type 209 (German) and Scorpene (French) submarines, including the complete recovery of the hull, electric motors, diesel machines, activation and change of batteries, as well as the revision and recovery of all mechanical, electrical, electronic, optical components and hydraulics.
  • Conversion and modernization of frigates, in relation to their combat systems and sonars, including the replacement of mechanical systems and habitability improvements.
  • Dry maintenance and assistance in self-maintenance periods to all naval units.
  • Maintenance and support plans required by land naval establishments.

Foreign Armed Projects

ARA Hércules

In ASMAR, repair and modernization projects have been carried out for the navies of Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador, the United States, France, Great Britain, Uruguay, among others.

  • Pressure hull cut with section separation, to recover both the Propulsion Electric Motor and the Diesel Machines on land.
  • Structural recovery of the torpedo launch tubes.
  • Recovery of pressure hull steel plate thicknesses.
  • Maintenance and modernization of combat system, fire control and sonars.
  • Activation and integral change of batteries.
  • Advanced mast maintenance.

Navy Commercial Contact

Corporate: +56 32 226 0250
Valparaíso Shipyard: +56 32 235 5400
Magallanes Shipyard: +56 61 220 3620
Talcahuano Shipyard: +56 41 274 4420