The Executive Director of ASMAR, in accordance with article 6 of Law 18,296, is the legal representative of the Company. Among its main functions are the powers to execute or enter into all acts and contracts necessary for  ASMAR’s regular administration, and to comply with the provisions of the  Board of Directors.

The fundamental task of ASMAR Management as a Corporation is the strategic and operational management of the Company in order to comply with the objectives established in its Organic Law and the current strategic planning.


  • Director
    • Corporate Management.
      Planning, Development
      and Corporate Affairs
      • Corporate
        Commercial Management
        • Naval Construction
          Corporate Management
          • Corporate
            People Management
            • Corporate
              Finance Management
              • Corporate Management
                Operations and Logistics
    • Deputy Director
      • Prosecutor's Office
        • General Secretary
          • Public Relations
            and Communications
            • Representative of the Director
              at the I.M.S.