The superior management of ASMAR corresponds to the Superior Council, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of the ASMAR Law. Its main functions, among others, are: to approve the General Work Plan, the Investment Plan and the annual budget project, in accordance with current legal regulations.


Approve the general provisions for the organization and development of ASMAR’s industrial and administrative activities, issue rules and instructions for the celebration of acts and contracts intended to fulfill the purposes of ASMAR, and rule on the Annual Balance of the Naval Industrial Fund and the balance of ASMAR’s commercial activity.


In accordance with Article 11 of the Organic Law of ASMAR, the Minister of National Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, when they deem it appropriate, may integrate the Council, with the right to speak and vote, in which case they will preside over the session, according to the corresponding order of precedence.


The Superior Council, at present, is made up of:

General Director of Services of the Chilean Navy

Mr. Leonardo Chávez Alvear

Vice Admiral

President of Board of Directors

As from: November 17, 2023

ASMAR Executive Director

Mr.Jaime Sotomayor Bustamante

Rear Admiral

As from: December 15, 2021

Director of Procurement of the Chilean Navy

Mr. Ricardo Chiffelle Ruff

Rear admiral AB

As from: November 22, 2023

Director of Naval Systems Engineering

Mr. Carlos Ordenes Barrientos

Rear Admiral

As from: November 30, 2021

Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Chilean Navy

Mr. Francis Muñoz Covarrubias

Rear Armiral

As from: December 14, 2022

Representative of the Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army

Mr. Pablo Andrés Sierra Hormazabal

Brigadier General

As from: Dicember 01, 2023

Representative of the Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Air Force

Mr. Juan Cristóbal Méndez Tapia

Air Brigadier General (I)

As from: November 16, 2023

ASMAR Prosecutor

Mr. Claudio Cereceda Valenzuela


As from: January 4, 2011
