Integrated Management System and Certifications

For the continuous improvement of its processes, inserted among its corporate policies, ASMAR has implemented an Integrated Management System for safety and occupational health, quality and environment, in accordance with the established on the international standards ISO 45001, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, implemented in its industrial plants located in Talcahuano, Valparaíso and Magallanes, and in its Corporate Management (ISO 9001 only)

View Corporate Policy

This states as the orientation of its activities “to meet the requirements of customers and other interested parties through the continuous improvement of its processes in a working environment committed to occupational health and safety, quality and environment protection.”

In addition, Talcahuano and Magallanes shipyards maintain the certification in the I.S.P.S. Code. (International Ship and Port Facility Security Code), guaranteeing  compliance with the requirements in their port facilities to minimize the probability of attacks by organized terrorism, sabotage or stowaways, among others.