ASMAR is aware that the balanced fulfillment of its corporate purposes and responsibilities which, as an autonomous State-owned Company has been entrusted with, must go hand in hand with the constant application of best practices in the areas of business ethics in all decision-making processes, which implies the creation of a culture of corporate integrity, which guides the behavior of all members of the Company, giving it a seal in the way  of facing its strategic goals.

ASMAR is committed to the fight against corruption, understanding that this is a serious obstacle  on its development, exposing the company to serious legal consequences and compromising its reputation in the eyes of society, being the demands and standards of compliance even higher, according to its special condition.

As a sign of the commitment to the management of a culture of integrity within the company and its necessary implementation, the Board of Directors has approved a series of measures, which will be mandatory for the entire company and its stakeholders.

In order to gather the principles and general guidelines in a single document, the company has a Comprehensive Compliance Policy, which establishes guidelines on issues such as the provision of a Compliance organizational structure, definition of the roles of the Compliance Officer and Crime Prevention Officer, crime prevention and detection measures, training and dissemination activities, as well as the development of a Complaints Channel, among others.

This document is complemented by the Code of Ethics and Conduct and the ASMAR Crime Prevention Model.

Buques Armada de Chile